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Hope Cove


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We bring a unique and exclusive range of souvenirs from Hope Cove.

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Free UK postage + packing

We are bringing you pieces of art with a difference.

Digitally enhanced photographs of Hope Cove make for vibrant additions to any home.
Each piece of art is sold as a unique piece.

Available in A3 size.
Other sizes upon request.

We can individualise with an inscription eg Hope Cove, Devon or a date or name for an additional £3.00

Payments via Paypal to ecreate solutions

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HC 001
Sunsets in Hope Cove can be truly stunning all year round

HC 002
The landmark that is the Cove bar and restaurant, where many memories

HC 003
Outer Hope beach with its collection of kayaks and boats make for a colourful scene

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HC 004
The Inner Hope slipway on a cloudy day is injected with some colour as the sun peaked through on the wet surfaces

HC 005
With the tide out at Inner Hope the reflections make for a stunning photograph

HC 006
Outer Hope beach with its collection of kayaks and boats make for a colourful scene

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HC 0010
The deep reds of sunset in Hope Cove never fail to impress. A light touch with the colour enhancement to bring out the depth of colour

HC 008
Impressive cloud cover over the setting sun creates some special effects with a minimum tweak

HC 009
A peek through the trees along the coast towards Thurlestone as the sun lights up the cliffs

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HC 010

HC 011

HC 012

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Coming soon


Adult T shirts

Kids T shirts

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Made with love in Devon